Traveling With Your Pet
March 11, 2013
Traveling In The United States | Traveling Abroad | Returning Home | Traveling In A Crate | Microchip | Pet GPS | Links
by Dr. Laurie Buche, DVM
For many of us vacation just wouldn’t be the same if we couldn’t take our pets along. Traveling with pets can be both satisfying and rewarding if we prepare ahead of time.
Traveling in the United States
Just how complicated the process will be depends on your destination and mode of transport. In general domestic travel within the United States requires a health certificate and proof of current rabies vaccination. The exception is travel to Hawaii, which is quite complicated.
Traveling Abroad
International travel is a whole different story. Each country establishes their own rules and regulations concerning the import of animals to that country. For instance, they may require a microchip, there may be a waiting period after a rabies vaccination, there may be a specific health certificate form, an import permit may be required, blood tests for rabies may be required, they may require that an accredited veterinarian issue the health certificate and it may need to be endorsed by the USDA. If you are planning to take your pet overseas, you should start preparing early. In some cases it can take six months or more to get all the requirements satisfied. You can research the requirements of your destination at this website:
You should also contact your destination’s consulate or embassy for additional information as countries frequently change their requirements. Also it is important to contact your airline as they may have their own requirements. If you are in need of further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
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Returning Home
Both Dr. Comstock and Dr. Buche are accredited by the USDA. In order to return to the United States, the CDC only requires a current rabies vaccination given at least 30 days prior to entry into the US for dogs. However most states will require a health certificate and proof of current rabies vaccination for both dogs and cats. Each states’ requirements can be found here: Please note if your pet is returning from a country known to have screwworm, a health certificate within 5 days of entry into the US will be required. It must certify the pet is free of screwworm. Countries affected by screwworm can be found at the above website (click on “cats and dogs”).
Traveling in a Crate
In addition to the required documents, you should be sure your pet is accustomed to being in a crate. You can leave your crate open in the house so your pet can freely explore it. Hiding favorite treats or toys in it will encourage your pet to go inside. Once your pet is comfortable in the crate you can take him for short rides in the car to get him used to movement of the crate. With proper preparation and advanced planning travel with your pet can be almost stress free.
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Identification Safety
When planning travel with your pet we also highly recommend that you ensure your pet has a micro-chip and even a GPS tracking collar. These simple devices may save it’s life and prevent your pet from becoming permanently lost if they are somehow separated from you. Microchipping is quick, easy, safe and inexpensive. A simple information chip – the size of a small grain of rice is inserted under your pet’s skin via a needle. When you register your chip with Home Again ( that chip permanently carries all of your and your pet’s information. If your pet is lost a simple scan of the chip will provide identifying and contact information so that you can get your pet back fast.
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Another tool for keeping track of your pet should you become separated while away (or even at home) is the TAGG Pet Tracker GPS collar. Again, it’s simple, easy, and a genius way of using current technology to keep your pet safe. The TAGG GPS unit simply attaches to your pet’s collar. You connect to your pet’s location via your smart phone or computer for real-time tracking using detailed Google Maps, satellite and cell phone tracking. If your pet goes beyond a predefined safe area (anywhere in the world) you are instantly notified and can begin to track your pet immediately. It’s a wonderful way to keep your pet safe and in conjunction with a microchip is the ideal partnership for keeping your world traveling kitty, camping pooch, or just your nosy neighborhood patrolling cat safe.
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For more information about the Home Again Microchip and to read true stories about pets returned because of their chip visit and then call Chase Farm Veterinary Hospital to set up a quick appointment to have your pet microchipped!
For More information on TAGG The Pet Tracker visit or call us. Chase Farm Veterinary Hospital is a TAGG Partner and we can answer questions, provide you with a tracker and get you set up in no time!
For More information about USDA Travel Requirements for Pets visit
For More information about each State’s Travel Requirements within the U.S. visit
Happy Travels~!
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